(Northern) California Parkist

The dogs and I are avid park visitors. Join us as we document our wanderings, mostly in northern California. We visit all jurisdictions -- United States National Parks, State Parks, County, Regional and City Parks -- we love open spaces!

Friday, December 17, 2010

City of Sonoma: The Plaza

There's nothing as startling as a pile of bright yellow gingko leaves blanketing the green grass. This morning Brix and I walked around Sonoma Plaza, the oldest continuously used park in northern California. General Vallejo's troops used to drill here back in the 1820's, but now the park is enjoyed by civilians.

Unfortunately for Brix, dogs are not allowed inside this block-square park. Instead, we walked around three times, sometimes admiring the park itself and sometimes window-shopping the stores all around the square. Each round measures .5 miles so we logged in another 1.5 miles today.

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